A Tale of Two Borders: China to Pakistan via Xinjiang
Travelling by road from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan through Xinjiang in western China: checkpoints, surveillance, checkpoints, questions, and more checkpoints.
I love crossing land borders, and a lot of this blog is about exactly that: arriving one way or another at a remote frontier, walking from one country into the next, reaching the other side just in time for a new adventure. Sometimes those days really (really) don’t go as planned. The stories here are about some of our favorite border-crossing experiences so far.
Travelling by road from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan through Xinjiang in western China: checkpoints, surveillance, checkpoints, questions, and more checkpoints.
Crossing the border from Liberia to the Ivory Coast. Two motorcycles, two minibuses, countless checkpoints and ten hours. Plus one cold bucket-shower.
Getting into Abkhazia is one thing. After that – what to do in a country that doesn’t really exist. And maybe something not to do, also.
India to Pakistan: the Wagah border closes every day with a dramatic ceremony. It’s the only border crossing I’ve ever done that involved a stroll through a stadium.
Crossing the border from Benin to Burkina Faso. We’ve seen a lot of creative transport solutions but the mini-busses of Burkina Faso take the prize.
It’s amazing how quickly plans change. This morning we woke up in Lome, intending to go to Lac Togo. But instead, three hours later we were back in Ghana.
There are two ways to get into Sierra Leone: the normal way, and the way we went. Here’s how we crossed the border from a remote corner of Guinea, and ended up in a National Park with a goat for Christmas dinner.
Travelling around independently in Guinea-Bissau can be complicated, but the islands in the Bijagos Archipelago are so worth the trouble.
Crossing the border on foot from Gallabat to Metama, Sudan to Ethiopia. But first: Khartoum’s Omdurman souk, whirling dervishes, and one last cup of tea.
Our visas came earlier than expected and after a very long day of travel we made it from Egypt to Sudan. Plus, we learned a few things about traveling in Sudan, on the way.
Travelling by road from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan through Xinjiang in western China: checkpoints, surveillance, checkpoints, questions, and more checkpoints.
Crossing the border from Liberia to the Ivory Coast. Two motorcycles, two minibuses, countless checkpoints and ten hours. Plus one cold bucket-shower.
Getting into Abkhazia is one thing. After that – what to do in a country that doesn’t really exist. And maybe something not to do, also.
India to Pakistan: the Wagah border closes every day with a dramatic ceremony. It’s the only border crossing I’ve ever done that involved a stroll through a stadium.
Crossing the border from Benin to Burkina Faso. We’ve seen a lot of creative transport solutions but the mini-busses of Burkina Faso take the prize.
It’s amazing how quickly plans change. This morning we woke up in Lome, intending to go to Lac Togo. But instead, three hours later we were back in Ghana.
There are two ways to get into Sierra Leone: the normal way, and the way we went. Here’s how we crossed the border from a remote corner of Guinea, and ended up in a National Park with a goat for Christmas dinner.
Travelling around independently in Guinea-Bissau can be complicated, but the islands in the Bijagos Archipelago are so worth the trouble.
Crossing the border on foot from Gallabat to Metama, Sudan to Ethiopia. But first: Khartoum’s Omdurman souk, whirling dervishes, and one last cup of tea.
Our visas came earlier than expected and after a very long day of travel we made it from Egypt to Sudan. Plus, we learned a few things about traveling in Sudan, on the way.